EC - FP7 CHIPCHECK Project – Counterfeit IC Components Fast In-Line X-Ray Detection

European funded projects
October, 2012 to January, 2013
TWI Limited

Project number: GA-262212
R&D Programme: FP7-SME-2010-1
Project manager: Dr. Ian Nicholson,
Official Web page:

See  STATUS REPORT on each Phase

Partners list: 
Computerised Information Technology LTD ()
Elektronikas un Datorzinatnu Instituts (United Kingdom)
Innospexion APS (Latvia)
Kentro Erevans Technologicas Kai Anaptyxis Thessalias (Denmark)
Semicon Sp. z.o.o. (Greece)
Surface Mount and Related Technologies Limited LBG – Smart Group (Poland)
TWI Limited (United Kingdom)
Seventh Framework Programme
mechanical prototype system - side view

PCB's and IC's

The implementation of an automated X-ray inspection for detecting counterfeit electronic components (primarily integrated circuits) was devoted to presenting the results of a last experiment conducted in optimized conditions, and to achieving a new general draft of such facilities. Experiments were conducted with a TDI type radiation detector but this time we used a microfocus source this combination being ideal for the project’s purpose. Based on the components used and the results obtained was made a general concept design of such a facility dedicated to the automatic detection of counterfeit electronic components and PCBs verification.

mechanical prototype system - upper front viewthe scanning of PCBs at different angles